Physiotherapy Clinic for Pains

Physiotherapy (PT) is a healthcare profession, which encompasses various treatment modalities such as massages, heat therapy, exercises, electrotherapy, patient education, and advice for treating an injury, ailment, or deformity.

Types of Physiotherapy Sub-Specialties
Physiotherapy has evolved in the form of various sub-specialties, which enable PT to deal with various conditions in a more effective and appropriate way. Below is the list of various sub-specialties and their uses:

Neurological physiotherapy – Neurological conditions lead to extreme muscle weakness, loss of balance and coordination, muscle spasm, tremors, loss of function, and decreased sensation. Neurological physiotherapy aims at establishing mobility and treating functional disorders which originate from nervous and neuromuscular system such as stroke, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, multiple sclerosis, sciatica, aneurysm, and Parkinson’s disease.

Orthopedic/ musculoskeletal physiotherapy – This sub-specialty deals with repairing the deformities and treating the ailments related to human musculoskeletal system, which include correcting the muscles, ligaments, bones, joints, and tendons. The main aim is to alleviate pain, increase mobilization, and to rectify the skeletal injury.

Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy – This sub-specialty treats the patients who suffer from cardiopulmonary disorders such as cardiac arrest and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.



15 Oke Street, Diamond Estate Bstop, LASU-Isheri rd ,Alimosho,Lagos

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