Feminine wash for sale at trade fair market
Feminine wash for sale at trade fair market
Feminine wash for sale at trade fair market
Feminine wash for sale at trade fair market
Feminine wash for sale at trade fair market
Feminine wash for sale at trade fair market
Feminine wash for sale at trade fair market
Feminine wash for sale at trade fair market

Feminelle is an intimate cleansing cream formulated with probiotics and lactic acid,it is available in four different variants,it contains active and protective ingredients like calendula, cranberry,aloe vera and mallow extracts etcetera.

It is formulated for women hygiene to help protect,prevent and moisturise your lady parts.

Lactic acid helps to balance the pH to avoid infection and other ingredients helps to deodorize,moisturise and protect.

it can last you up to 6-8 months.



Attf 03/04 kogi plaza Trade fair lagos Nigeria,100011,Trade-Fair,Lagos

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